Getting our Groove on out on the bay


Dang! It seems so difficult to keep your Groove on when the world seems to be falling apart right before your eyes. Huge fires were raging in California and the virus doesn’t seem to be diminishing, in fact getting worse.

The sky being so ominous the last week or so and the air quality awful, the sun turning blood red, warnings not to even go outside - AGAIN!

Yikes and I feel so bad for our neighbors in Santa Cruz and the Bay area who lost everything plus having to deal with the Covid at the same time.

Pretty easy to feel depressed but guess what? After a few days the smoke began to clear. The sky turned blue with those great looking high clouds from Mexico that looked like the thunderstorms you see in Arizona or the Rockies.

Sue made the call: “I’m going for a paddle one way or another!” I was like “let’s go for it I like your style!”

We met at Baywood, launched the boats and headed out to the dunes. At first there was a little bump on the water and we thought “let’s see if it gets smoother as we go.”

Sure enough by the time we got across the bay it was sheet glass, warm, and the sky was incredible. We pulled the boats up on the beach and climbed to the top of the spit.

the spit

Looking at Morro Bay from that perspective is just awesome. A huge panorama of beauty, the “sisters” starting with Black Hill, Cabrillo, Hollister, you can see them all and Chorro Valley, Morro Bay golf course glowing green in the sun.

Montana De Oro to the south with Valencia Peak towering above the sea. Looking across the bay at the state park and Sweet Springs we just couldn’t help but be so thankful, we actually blurted it out at the same time…‘God we are soooo lucky!”

With the sun getting lower we paddled out into the bay to catch the sunset we knew would be spectacular. Grooving in Morro Bay was never better than that evening.

As we headed in I couldn’t help but sing a few bars of one of my favorite tunes ‘Don’t Worry, be Happy!’ As we approached the pier we were really wailing it… “Do do do do do, do do do do doooo.” We were laughing and smiling as we pulled the boats in. Then, a young couple said ‘we were singing along with you!”

And another gal said she was singing “with us” too. They were all laughing and smiling along with us.

I think everyone - if just for a few moments - forgot how bad things had been the last few days and we all were definitely thankful to be groovin’ in Baywood, especially at that magical moment in time.

Thank you Baywood people for coming out from the underbrush!

We love you Andrew and Paul and Zongo people!

I wish everyone health and happiness and take advantage of daylight saving time.

And somebody tell Rite Aide to quit putting Halloween stuff out when it’s still only August!